Bad Returns: Tuku Morgan:

Tuku Morgan

When you pay someone $300,000 per year, did you ever dream that this is what you’d get in return:

  • Excessive spending of tribal funds.
  • Deliberately having Te Kauhanganui meetings abandoned.
  • Attempting to have further meetings abandoned via high court litigation.
  • Millions of tribal funds wasted on unnecessary law suits.
  • Continuous lying to Te Kauhanganui.
  • Spreading lies via newspaper, TV, and radio broadcasts.
  • Desperate attempts to block the financial review of tribal spending.
  • Attempting to prevent Te Kauhanganui members from receiving the financial reports.
  • Refusing to adhere to Te Kauhanganui and high court decisions.
  • False accusations to the police in an attempt to get rid of the Te Kauhanganui chairwoman.
  • Trying to invalidate the election of Hiona Marae representatives in further efforts to get rid of the Te Kauhanganui chairwoman.
  • Attempting to have the Te Kauhanganui chairwoman bankrupted via unnecessary high court litigation.
  • Blocking paymentsto the Te Kauhanganui chairwoman for committee work even though other committee members were paid without fuss.
  • Generating a false crisis to justify having Te Kauhanghanui dissolved

Last year $300,000 is what Tainui paid Tuku Morgan. On top of that you can add in the generous five star lifestyle paid with tribal funds, and all the entertainment extras paid for by the tribe.

If anyone has brought the tribe into disrepute its Bad Value Morgan.

Parekawhia Mclean: Not involved with the politics?

For her part in the six-million-dollar coverup of 2011, and her continuing meddling attempts to invalidate the Hiona Marae election of three representatives including Tania Martin to Te Kauhanganui (with the help of Chapman Trip we might add).

Remember back in 2010 Parekawhia Mclean said this:

Patsy Mclean. Treachery, lies, and deceit.

“…the reason why I’ve survived is because I understood my role and I didn’t get involved in the politics.

Famous words lies uttered by Parekawhia Patsy Mclean when she assured the NZ herald reporter that she was a good pick as the new Waikato-Tainui Tribal CEO.



To provoke thought…

Sent to us via the email lists…

  • Why has Te Arataura behaved in a manner that has denigrated the mana of the very ‘body’ that elected them?
  • Was all the unnecessary litigation by Te Arataura, which has cost Te Kauhanganui nearly $1m approx, designed to serve as ‘smokey mirrors’.
  • Is this pattern of behaviour part of a bigger plan to effectively ‘dysfunctional-ise’ the main ‘body’, upon which the Custodial Trustee may then have certain powers?
  • What would be the best possible way to cover up a 3-year term of financial excesses then shutting Te Kauhanganui down, if all other attempts have failed?
  • Who will have power and control of our tribal asset base for the meantime anyway, if the main ‘body’ is dissolved?
  • Why has Te Arataura contravened the Rules by postponing the election, when their 3-year license has expired, and we have a entirely new membership?
  • What other explanation can a group of 11 people have for doing what they have done over the past 12 months, if it’s not part of a bigger plan?
  • Why, all of a sudden, has the king announced that he wants a new Te Kauhanganui, a new Te Arataura, and control of tribal funds to start anew and put our people back on the right track?
  • Will the king’s way be the right way for our people, and produce a sustainable future for our mokopuna?


The news is out – they’re staging a coup. While you’re out on holiday, Tuku Morgan and his fellow Te Arataura conspirators are fighting to have the Te Kauhanganui elections cancelled so that Morgan can stage a takeover. That way he can take control of the entire tribal resources for himself and do as he pleases WITHOUT being held accountable, and with NO transparency.

Morgan’s coup attempt will have the support of the usual suspects:

  • Patience Te Ao (mo’ money)
  • Charles Joe (mo’ money)
  • Maxine Moana-Tuwhangai (mo’ money)
  • Kingi Porima (mo’ money)
  • Robert Tukiri (mo’ money)
  • Greg Miller (mo’ money)
  • Timi Maipi (mo’ money)
  • Rahui Papa (mo’ money)
  • Rukumoana Schaafhousen (mo’ money)
  • Parekawhia McLean (mo’ money)
  • Tama Potaka (mo’ money)
  • Mike Pohio (mo’ money)
  • Hori Awa (mo’ money)
  • Tuheitia Paki The Maori King (mo’ money)

Big on lies and unmatched greed, Tuku Morgan has offered the inducements of big paying management jobs and mo’ money to his fellow co-conspirators for their support of his coup which seeks to to destroy tribal democracy, and to use and abuse the resources of the tribe as exclusively his.

Driven by his own desperation and greed which was exacerbated even further when he couldn’t get the Te Kauhanganui chair thrown out by the high court, Tuku Morgan would attempt to have the whole Te Kauhanganui tribal parliament disbanded so that he can steal the lot for himself. A nasty plot!

Wake up Tainui, before it’s too late!

Investigation Places Te Arataura in a Tricky Position

Financial Review Reveals the Te Arataura Committee’s Excessive Spending

A recent audit by KPMG reveals lavish spending of tribal dollars by the Te Arataura executive committee.

The investigation shows that certain officials, including the Te Arataura committee chairman Tuku Morgan, have taken several first-class and business class flights, and spent many nights enjoying lavish hotels with room service, with thousands more spent on ‘entertainment’ extras and perks with tribal money.

According to the report, it was revealed that Morgan had failed to document the spending by not recording the significance of the expenses. The investigation reports that Morgan had used tribal funds to pay for Labour politician Parekura Horomia’s stay at Hamilton’s swanky Novotel hotel when he attended the recent Iwi Leaders forum meeting held earlier in the year.

Te Arataura: Desperate cling to power

It’s now known that Tuku Morgan and Te Arataura are attempting to delay the election process of the executive from January into the end of February 2012 so that he can retain the status quo.

In the meantime:

  • Te Arataura are refusing to adhere to the newly registered rules despite an order by the high court.
  • Te Arataura are attempting to block the release of the KMPG audit to Te Kauhanganui Marae representatives.
  • Te Arataura are refusing to cease litigation against Tania Martin despite a Te Kauhanganui resolution.
  • Te Arataura have not compensated Tania Martin in spite of orders from the high court and Te Kauhanganui.
  • Tuku Morgan has instructed Te Arataura and management to ignore all requests from Tania Martin.
  • Te Arataura continue to waste more tribal funds on the crooked Chapman Trip law firm , projected to reach $2,000,000 any time soon.

Utter contempt and someone should remind Tuku that when his time is up, it’s up.

Keep on digging your hole Tuku is what we say!

The OTHER election…

We would be foolish to send any of our votes in the direction of John Key and his rich mates, although Tuku Morgan would love to see the asset sales come to pass. If National stays as the government the poor underclass dwellers better get ready to be smashed all over again -and with huge numbers of unemployed that means us!

Labours Nanaia Mahuta has already done enough years in Wellington and qualifies for fat pension benefits forever! She is sitting pretty but she’s lazy. Apart from doing nothing she gave hard-out support for the Seabed and Foreshore modern day raupatu law and she is on Labour’s list so she’s already in. Don’t vote for Nanaia.

Tariana’s and greasy Peter Sharpel with the fake smile want your vote too. The Maori party deserted their supporters when they lined up to kiss Key’s butt and Peter Sharpel got a $2 million dollar plastic waka as part of the deal. Please ignore these fools on election day! The gut feeling amongst voters is that greasy Peter and Tariana’s Maori party are about to be wiped off the map come election day. Anyway, a vote for the Maori party is also a vote for National and Act. Boo.

Mana presents a more honest way of doing business. They will present a voice for our people. They will fight for the poor and downtrodden, thats us! Angeline Greensil works harder than lazy Nanaia ever did. Remember that Mahuta is already in on the list, lets get another one of ours into parliament to fight for our people and against those who want to keep us down.

Lets vote cleverly and strategically.

Either way, cast your vote for More Maori in Parliament!

Their greatest fear is if we actually come to use all our votes on election day.

Power to the People! Do it!

Little Gemm’s

A little gemm we found on the net, from 2004:

“My friend was very eager to have her daughter enrolled at a Maori language school which has the infamous Tuku Morgan as a board member.

Places were scarce and the roll was about to be closed, she had the opportunity to speak to Mr Morgan, he suggested that her child could be guaranteed a place at the school in return for sexual favours!

She told him to F**K OFF!

And I am so proud of her!”

Another more recent example, 2010:

Poor Tuku Morgan: After many restless nights and much hand wringing poor old Tuku has done an about face and will now accept a success fee of $100,000 for the Waikato River settlement treaty on behalf of himself. Initially he said he would never take any fee for working for his people. I guess once Hone Key handed over the dosh Tuku couldn’t help himself again ,just like the underpants rubbish etc etc. No wonder NZ taxpayers have had a gutsful. Tuku can not be contacted at the present time! Why work to support this crap?????

A quick search of Google for “Tuku Morgan” reveals all!

The Absurdity Continues…

It appears that the comedians have been at it again!

Is it true that Te Kauhanganui Marae are deemed to have voted on resolutions even if they are not present at Te Kauhanganui meetings?

If this is true then resolutions could be constructed and with this farcity in mind and therefore voting can be manipulated.

So Marae have voted if they aren’t present at the meeting?

What about Marae who haven’t yet elected their representatives for the tribal parliament, are their “phantom” votes counted too?

What a joke. It makes us look stupider and stupider.

Change the rules and get rid of those “ghost” votes.

Change the rules to ensure that abstentions and sabotaged votes don’t count. Let the voices of those Marae who cast valid votes be heard.

Billy T, Your’e Worth it!

With all the ructions taking place within Waikato Iwi politics and beyond and with the wastrels Tuku Morgan and Te Arataura splurging millions of your dollars on their over inflated egos.

Remember that the iwi distributions are down and are projected to be even less again… you guys get less… so hey, people of Tainui, what do you guys get?

Thats right you got free tickets to the Billy T James movie showing at the base!!!!!!

God bless Billy, he was fabulous, but, that’s right, movie tickets. Any free popcorn come with that?


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